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If BEAD funding is going to be the last big infusion of public funds for broadband deployment, public sector leaders will need to explore creative local solutions to keep making progress in areas BEAD will miss.
The Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program provided historic funding to level the playing field for rural communities. Now comes the time to ask an exciting question: What happens next?
From our work in dozens of rural communities across the U.S. — from Wasilla, Alaska, to Nacogdoches, Texas — we’ve identified three takeaways for successful tech-based economic development.
RISI's strategic guidance key to project that aims to transform digital access and boost economic and technological development in the region by bringing broadband access along a 12-plus mile route to 657 locations.
Residents of Storey County, Nevada, will be getting improvements to their broadband internet access thanks to RISI's work in partnership with Storey County, Google, and CC Communications.